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The End Of An Era

The Golden Age Of Transformation Is Born

During the end of the Piscean Era our planet experienced an accelerated level of growth. Marking the beginning of the Golden Age of Transformation. A time of both personal & spiritual, in preparation for the cosmic wave of ascension. During this time we were, and continue to be bathed with the energy of Love. Venus, under the violet color of ascension, continually sends healing energy to assist. As they bathe our higher chakras in light, nudging the opening of our High Heart. To prepare for the Golden Age of Transformation of increased frequencies of light.

The Golden Age – Awakens The World

Although there are many opinions on the exact date that Aquarius began to emerge. January of 2020 is what most believe. To date we with both feet entered the Aquarian Age of Spiritual Awakening. As the embrace of the divine feminine energy returns once again. Adjusting the much needed imbalance of the masculine & feminine energies of the Piscean Era. Many believe the butterfly is associated with the soul, a fitting expression as we embark on this new path. A journey of shifts, turns, and challenges that allow us to morph into the evolved beings we are.

“Our lesson will be one of faith, acceptance of change with grace, as the emergence of our soul transforms.”

Birthing New Earth – For Humanity & Gaia

The most potent cosmic energies are the alignment of several planets will continue. To forge energies for our expansion, alignments set the tone for Gaia & Humanity. As it births an opportunity for humanity to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. Shifting our inner expression from the Piscean Age of materialism, to our birthright, our Awakening to Spirit. The goal of this Golden Age. A journey that began cosmically begins with humanity facing our darkness, our shadows. Surrendering to the healing Light to purge the no longer needed. Its purpose was Not to fix it, but to transform it with Divine healing Light! Free to Fly to New Heights! The very catalyst for the Golden Age of Transformation to occur, is when Humanity rises above the Lords of Distraction!

“…Principles and Ethics are best developed and distilled by a reasoning mind and a feeling heart listening deeply to the expansive discernment of the soul.”  Ann Mortifee

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Purging Of The Old Paradigm

The Cosmic Energy alignments assisted in bringing forward what we needed to shed, release, and re-evaluate. The purpose of these cosmic events, a blood moon eclipse, a trio of super moons, two back to back full Moons of the same astrological sign, as well as a blue moon. All to illuminate the hand me downs of limiting beliefs  passed by generations like DNA.  This was the needed ingredient to bring others to Let Go of our traumas and childhood conditioning. To prepare us for “The Golden Age of Transformation,” to awaken to Who we are, and Why we are here.

Our soul called upon us to journey inward, to uncover our buried past issues. Our traumas, and regrets that continue to lie heavily upon our soul, our heart.  Used as catalysts to trigger our awakening process. Allowing situations to come forward, including long-term relationships, that no longer serve. To begin to align with the necessary conscious shift of this New Age.

” We either give thanks for all that comes our way, even if it causes us to weep, or we remain small, petty, and complaining.”  Ann Mortifee

This Soulful nudging asks that we examine carefully issues we thought long forgotten. Matters that lie dormant in the shadows of our body-mindFor Shadows that remain in the darkness of shame, blame & guilt, justified or not, continue to be fertilized!  When left unresolved, they patiently wait to leave their mark on a physical level. For as the pain begins to emerge, it causes cracks in our facade, our persona, our masks. These are the necessary openings that allows the light to embrace & heal our encapsulated heart. Freeing us from our buried wounds, as we unlock the door to our authentic-self.

“…as we explore our past wounds, we must be sure to also ascend into alignment with the Higher Self.  The Soul Self is detached enough to shine a clear, honest light even into our darkest corridors.”  Ann Morifee

This Soulful nudging asks that we examine carefully issues we thought long forgotten. Matters that lie dormant in the shadows of our body-mindFor Shadows that remain in the darkness of shame, blame & guilt, justified or not, continue to be fertilized!  When left unresolved, they patiently wait to leave their mark on a physical level. As all imbalances eventually do.

Birthing The Aquarian Age

The Golden Age Of Transformation

Our willingness to surrender allows us to witness the power of Grace.  Releasing us from the Prisons of the Past.  Realizing they lay dormant in the shadows of the Body-Mind of the unresolved. As the cosmic re-birth of this era asks that we be mindful of what we put into our Body: spiritually, emotionally & physically – what we watch, listen to, read, and those we associate with are All contributors to what will be Birthed.”

As we enter the Golden Age of Transformation, the cosmic line up of planetary pairings continues. The wave of ascension energy, the potent planetary dance of our time, will continue in the night sky. As the waves upon us re-birth the promised energy of the Divine Feminine. The loving energy flow of balance, creation, intuition, and the spiritual-heart of the feminine.

Birthing a much-needed release from the density of the 3rd & 4th dimensions, as evolving humanity looks to the horizon of the 5th dimension. As we lift the veil of complacency, she encourages flexibility, independent thought, and a sense of inner-knowing.

Transformation - Birthing A New Earth
 “The challenges of the past Era brought great Wisdom to the Heart of the Divine Feminine.  She now prepares for the return of the Masculine & Feminine energies in balance once again!”

The Divine Dance of the New Era – 2020

Aquarian Age – The Global Eye of Truth – Relies on the intention energy of one’s spoken Words & Actions. For Soul liberation to be wed to the truth rather than to personalities & platforms, as these represent a mingling of both truth & error.

15 – Transformation Shifts

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Improvement
  • Release of the Victim Archetype
  • Inner Healing
  • Soulful Empowerment
  • Expansion of Consciousness
  • Return of the Divine Feminine Energy
  • Masculine & Feminine Balance
  • Increased Discernment
  • Independent Thought
  • The High-Heart begins to Open
  • More Defined Path
  • Illusion Begins to Melt Away
  • Increased Spirituality – Mindfulness
  • Global Healing

As is written, this is a time to Let Go, to free ourselves from the darkness, the heaviness, and the burdens of the past. The promise, that faith will be our tool to awaken our authentic state of being.  Faith, and trust in the divine plan will be our support through these times of significant shifts. As chaos continues to surface issues up the spiral, in need of release, come forward when ready to be healed.  The cosmic shifts awaken man from the illusions, the delusions of control forced upon a Nation, upon a World.

For we must witness the illusions that have separated and divided humanity, to never fall prey to them in the future.

We are beings of light, here to co-create a sustainable world. To do so we must heal our wounds, our traumas to return to inner clarity, inner vision. To heighten our moral compass that enhances our critical discernment, our greatest weapon is our wisdom. As the veil dissolves, our long held beliefs begin to crumble, we perhaps for the first time, see and here the plan unfold. When we transform our inner world, we transform the energy of a ripple into waves of living water purification.

Embrace the Cosmic Dance,
