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Healing Earth’s Spiritual Disconnect

Earth’s Spiritual Disconnect Caused Our Environmental One

It should be no secret that Earth’s current condition must change, denial will soon knock on the door of your Home – Earth. Earth Is a living organism, as are we, who too requires healing. Our grave dis-connect by many on both sides of the issue, proves that we are ALL connected, as One. The time for Global Healing is upon us, Healing Earth’s Spiritual disconnect has created the Internal Environmental disconnect we witness. It must be addressed as a whole for the needed perfect union to create the most healing atmosphere.

May Nothing Else Prove We Are All Connected

As a Living Organism, Earth requires what All living things require – To be Respected, Loved and Protected.  Earth’s Spiritual disconnect has created these environmental concerns. Indeed in need of a Soul-Searching approach, a change of behavior is certainly required. One that begins with humanity’s own internal discord with ourselves and others. Our much needed connection with our Divinity, our Creator is required in order to move into the 5th Dimension, our Destiny. For our energy affects both humanity and our home Earth, as Her energy too affects Humanity’s!  See the picture, a viscus circle that heals no thing, resolves no thing as Gaia waits. A drastic change of behavior, a gentle nurturing attitude is needed for significant change to occur on a Global scale.

You must realize, Nature is within you, the same elements and energy of your planet reside in you proportionally. Gaia’s natural resources of Water, Minerals, Plants, and Crystals are elements infused within Earth’s Energy. Elements that naturally connect with your body, elements used by many in their healing practices for that very reason.

A Mindset adjustment of these truths, will be Key in Healing your planet – Earth.

There is no greater time than this to heal our scars, traumas that altered our compass, keeping each off track. Creating Energy Leaks, when this is the time of ascension when we are ascending into the 5th dimension. Lower dimensions will not survive in such dimensions, but this is indeed our goal. Time to Release, Let-Go so we ALL can move forward on the ascension wheel of life! For the bridge to our destiny must be crossed as One.

Emapth Self-Care

Healing Earth Spiritual Disconnect

Our Earthly Connection

Energy Leaks

  • Multi Tasking: leaves little time for recouping. All athletes understand the need for Self-Care, to hold our vessel in high regard, protect  it often from ourselves.
  • Mind-World Consumption Reversal: Take time to increase Spiritual Awareness by leaving space for contemplation. Meditation allows clarity of the mind & spirit to gain inner awareness.
  • Peace Resides In Nature: A gift to all awaits outside our doors. Five deep breaths from belly to chest. A powerful way to restore Spiritual energy is to send yourself healing. Call in the Healing Angels and ask that they put you in a protective pink bubble, that encompasses you like a powerful shield.
  • Stress Causes Dis-Ease: You cannot give to others what you do not have. It is not cruel, but actually loving for we are useless when we allow ourselves to be drained. Remember Archangel Michael’s Powerful Personal Power eBook holds a plethora of information dedicated to this very important subject.
“Do all that you do with Joy to increase the abundance of Joy within. If you complain while you are doing things or carry your work with the spirit of rejection, you leak energy and eventually become a car with flat tires. Joy integrates your nature and prepares you for future prosperity.” Torkom Saraydarian


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Your mutual relationship with Earth, like all relationships must be born from Trust.  Prior to incarnating you signed a contract, if you will, to serve your planet during this period of Global Healing. The issues, debates that surround healing her have caused caustic reactions among many. Our purpose, our path to transform the planet, must begin with each of us.

Earth’s Spiritual Disconnect

How Do We Do This?

The greatest reason we are here is to heal our scars, our pain, and traumas done to us or by us. To release our regret, guilt, and shame that lies heavily upon our heart. Yes the healing always begins within. The challenging times you now find yourself, are the necessary upheaval needed for Great change to occur Globally. Healing Earth’s Spiritual disconnect must evolve through each of us! Our goal for both Humanity and Earth should be a Global Healing on a massive scale, not the phrase of Global Warming. For the Universe hears our thoughts,, our requests. One intent is a positive one, while the other is negative.

Earth’s Spiritual Disconnect Healing – Is Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the Natural State for All Souls, it is your thoughts, words, judgements that you attach that create the blocks.  Blocks that impede your Soul’s growth, your evolution, your transformation.  All lessons learned, can cleanse and Open your Soul to create a massive shift.  The avenue to move forward on your path, resides in the energy of Forgiveness.  Forgiveness, for even those you wish to blame increases the conscious level of Humanity and Earth.

We Are One Collective Energy!

Global conscious levels during Ascension have elevated the energy on your planet, but a deeper Human condition remains.  As caring for your planet, your environment, deeply affects the precious whole. Your purpose at this time is a noble one, a Path of Service, one you signed, embraced in your Soul life plan prior to incarnating.

Healing Earth’s Spiritual Disconnect

Through these experiences there’s Growth, as you gain the wisdom your Soul seeks.  A deep understanding that an unstable balance must be addressed, the extreme lack of Harmony & Balance that exists between Earth’s Spiritual and Environmental disconnect. This is the common thread that must exist to sustain us through the challenges ahead. We must seek through the Heart of compromise for the Greater Good of Humanity.

All have the best interests at Heart for Earth’s Health. Perhaps a merging, a collaboration of various thoughts would better serve the planet, a revisited mindset for the Greater Good of All. One that approaches through the energies of mutual Respect and Integrity, not through Anger, Blame and Indifference.  This divide has been festering for sometime, all the while Earth continues to suffer abuse from the lack of partnership as Her Stewards.

Humanity’s Internal Environment Affects Gaia’s

Our Spiritual Disconnect In Need Of Healing

Negative Energy from humanity has added an additional assault on your planet, your precious Gift, your Home.

Many have become disconnected from the Energy of Earth, not thinking of Her as their home, but merely a place to hang their hat.  As Humanity becomes unbalanced, so too does Earth.  Separation from Earths Energy, disrupts the physical bodies natural rhythms, as well as Her energetic flow.

Ironically, Nature has always been Humanity’s natural stress reducer, often ignored, not realizing it’s energetic calming value.

An interesting Journey, this Golden Age of Gaia, that holds the planets greatest Energetic shift with great healing potential.  A golden opportunity for humanity to evolve, releasing misguided patterns, and Soulful healing work can be healed as you release and replace outdated Beliefs. May this Natural flow open humanity once again to Her Natural Gifts of Healing, tools of the past have come full circle as you Awaken.

When you Heal from Earth’s bounty of beauty, so too does Earth, as you are One.

Ripple Affect

Since one cannot change all of the indifference around the World, you can however, make the choice to change your Inner Dialect of Negative thoughts, blame, anger, and judgement. Our internal healing has a Ripple Affect, felt by others that includes Gaia, Mother Earth.  As Inner Harmony increases your Vibration, old behaviors and patterns will have a transformative affect, when Forgiveness is the leading tool used. For it is forgiveness that ‘Opens the Heart,’ allowing space for Peace within, this is the stage where healing for both Humanity and Earth can begin.

“The practice of Forgiveness is Our most important contribution to the Healing of the World.”  Marianne Williamson

Humanity’s personal healing can indeed have a Ripple Effect for Change, both Personal and Global.

When you become aware of the thoughts you have for others, as well as yourself, you can become that conduit for change. The blockages removed allow the flow of positive energy to enhance your experiences. As beliefs evolve, perhaps the wording around your Environmental concerns can also change. Earth and Humanity would be better served, when the Law of Attraction is incorporated. Replacing negative results with positive outcomes such as Global Healing!

“The Law of Attraction – If Global Warming is the Thought – The Emotions that become attached to this statement become the accelerant. The Universe hears and creates your wish for…Global Warming.  As Like attracts Like.  Replace this phrase with a Positive one that attracts Positive results such as…Global Healing. For both Mother Earth and Humanity!

Affirm with intention the Home you wish to live, with mutual Love and Respect one can Create a New Reality for All Children to live and prosper in Unity.

As you Heal – Unite and Honor your Home – Earth – As you do – You honor all of Humanity.

Peace and Blessings,
