Personal Growth, Spiritual Growth, all synonyms for the willingness, the desire to take an honest look at your Life. Often from an event that deeply rocks your foundation[…]
When you lovingly tend to the Garden of your Soul through Self-Reflection, clearing the Emotional Weeds, the Emotional Clutter you infuse your Soul with Hope, obstacles cleared, your Internal Garden now[…]
The Universe works through Frequency, it aligns you with People, Places and Situations that match your Current Vibration. As you shift and expand, you alter the People, Places and[…]
Living by Your Truths, not those of others, Realigns Your Perception, allowing you to approach even difficult situations from a place of Authenticity, with your Truths as an Evolved Soul[…]
The End Of An Era The Golden Age Of Transformation Is Born During the end of the Piscean Era our planet experienced an accelerated level of growth. Marking the beginning…