Earth’s Spiritual Rebirth
A Cosmic Planetary Dance
Ascension Retrogrades & Self-Reflection
Retrograde is a period during which a planet moves forward over the same area of the zodiac that it will move backward over during its retrograde period. Retrogrades bring a mix of emotions to the surface, as the description implies. An energetic, spiritual re-direct, a look to the past to move forward, the Spiritual Rebirth of Ascension. Offers the need for Self-Reflection to safeguard you from repeating our past History.
These backward glances often require, but often, force you to slow down, to take time in introspection from your over-stimulated lives. It is not a time for hasty emotional reactions, press pause to assess a new avenue, one unlike the past. All retrogrades, are the cosmos power in action for change, spiritual rebirth is the direction humanity must now process. These mighty planet of karmic patterns of rebirth, restoration, and healing, on a massive scale. Transformation, through the galaxies of chaos, but also witness the many blessings they bring for humanity’s spiritual rebirth.
Did I Mention Intense Transformation?
As Ascension’s purpose is for humanity’s transformation on a massive scale, allowing the deepest repressed, unresolved fears to surface collectively. The promise of Spiritual Rebirth offers a significant transformation, one you may not recall, but signed up for prior to incarnating. The purpose is to learn how to navigate through self-acceptance to transcend, and release the fears that come forward, ready to heal. The Cosmic looking glass shall continue to unveil to humanity the Truth! The easier approach is through faith, not fear, as fear exacerbates the longevity.
Many have deep-seated fear of change, although humanity has been asking for just that for sometime. Our cries have been answered, yet, many avoid spirit’s answers that would assist in facilitating these prayers. Allowing mankind to evolve, yet there will still be those, purely due to fear of the future, the great unknown remain in slumber. As a whole, humanity has for lifetimes been unwilling to face their fears, their deepest shadows.
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Spiritual Rebirth~Relationships & Triggers
As they live in a continuous ride of triggered, unhealed traumas, over time amplifying their affect. Til one day there is no other option. For Ascension will continually bring them to the forefront, ask that we confront, feel them, send love and forgiveness to begin the healing process. To finally Let Them Go. Our emotional storms are a sifting process, if you will, to de-clutter anything and anyone that no longer resonates, or aligns. Those that consistently lower your energy.
In order to re-construct, one must de-construct the weak foundation into a stronger more sustainable one. To clear the heaviness of negative energetic build-up, of low vibrations. All in order to re-calibrate, to hit the reset button, to begin to clear karma and align through release. To continue to purge feelings of being misunderstood that appear from lifetimes in need of re-patterning. Take time over the next few months to become more self-aware, and forgive those in this lifetime who dismissed you.
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Seneca
All in order to allow us to re-calibrate, to hit the reset button, to begin to clear karma to align through release. To continue to purge feelings of being misunderstood, come forward from lifetimes in need of re-patterning. Take time over the next few months to become more self-aware, and forgive those in this lifetime who dismissed you.
Time For An Alternative
As old patterns of going inward, isolating has not availed a positive outcome, try something new. Through self-realization explore, re-examine, make peace with the parts you shame, or criticize. When you release the need to be liked and accepted, you find greater power in self-acceptance. Becoming more comfortable expressing your uniqueness, as you open to further growth.
You may soon realize where you have been blocking, limiting yourself due to the need for acceptance from others.
A new transforming Paradigm is upon us, taking down ill-conceived structures, in order to rebuild them in a more ethical fashion. The needed unmasking, we witness will dismantle the crippling power structures against humanity. Rebuilding in a more ethically, humane fashion of right human relations that regards all of Humanity.
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Cosmic Global & Personal Change
Rejection, abandonment will be unearthed by the mighty cosmic hierarchy, as the personal relationship with oneself is too, unmasked. Asking us to look within, to rise above thoughts of unworthiness. To reclaim your Personal Power, to stand firm, hold your ground as a divine being of immense personal and spiritual aspects. Time to shine a healing spotlight onto your shadows, the darkness you believe you hide from view. To allow you to witness what needs to be lifted, transmuting the heaviest lower energies into a higher, freer reality.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18
Questions will come forward asking that you rise above what you have been led to believe about who you are. To recover your personal power, to stand firm, and strong with all that you see with faith. For there is a plan, hold tight to what you value, as you witness others who too, courageously own and accept all aspects of Self. As you bravely allow your once hidden Truths to now be heard, and insist they be equally received.
Questions To Purge Deep-Rooted Issues
Why –
Have I allowed others to determine my self-worth?
Do I cling to relationships & friendships that are unhealthy?
Why am I unfairly judged by family, friends and relationships?
You often don’t recognize that some of your patterns of behavior are deeply harmful, and can actively hold you back from being your best version. Often from deep-rooted insecurities from being judged each time you allowed yourself to Shine. A pattern from feelings of Unworthiness often passed down by parents who endured the same.
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
A Global Spiritual Rebirth
The often daunting, but necessary deep-dive for Soul development, as Earth’s Global Spiritual Rebirth continues.
Be courageous, open the dialogue with your suppressed shadows, openly, and with compassion. Cleansing the past in the present with compassion, washes your fears, your sorrows with Light. No longer running from, but towards them, you embrace the grace that healing births. time to revamp the old outdated beliefs, own you truths, you values, and use the energy of transformative energy to rebuild a joyous life.
Long-held shadows burden on a physically, emotionally, and spiritually are freed. as subtle energies heighten your senses. Untruths are revealed, as masks dissolve, you witness the true intentions, the exposed motives of others. A powerful moment that allows a deeper connection with your soul. Your enhanced insight and clarity, births a clear lens as the ‘Great Unmasking’ now reveals.
Global & Personal Healing
Take this valuable time in self-discovery, embrace this time in silence, in stillness as a gift, an opportunity to access your energy field. A great tool that allows you to witness where your energy may be discordant. A time to shift your focus, seek what does not align, face the unhealed, the unresolved wounds that have been so desperate to attract your attention.
Allow Pluto’s spotlight to light the path, as it focuses your attention to the misguided, the re-directs, to assist you in avoiding the same. It may appear ruthless as it purges the doubts you hold about yourself. The long-held secrets that in the Light reflect back to you, your own Light. Becoming more intuitively aligned, as you continue to de-clutter your internal home. Please also examine your commitments and relationships, replace the chaotic draining influences with soulful stillness.
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” T.S. Elliot
Awakening Activation
Continue to purge the stale stagnant energies that prevent you from moving forward, a necessary, and beneficial soul searching opportunity. Adorns the fruit born from self-acceptance, living the life our creator wished for each. this is not a time of further avoidance, with the distractions of over-filled calendars and social media.
Take time for the life-changing opportunities all have prayed for. Transforming traumas and outdated programs, the regenerative power of energetic death, and rebirth. As you embrace the gifts of Grace, the global transformation of the Aquarian Age, we energetically evolve. Gaining enhanced patience, compassionate, and loving-kindness towards oneself and others. This is the power of personal purification, of time spent in self-discovery which bears the sweetest fruit.
The Age of Aquarius is as you see, intensified by the catalysts of Cosmic waves that radiate positive transformation. Mankind, through our Spiritual Rebirth shall too birth the Universal heart, the energy of Christ-Consciousness within awaits our excavation.
Soon the great storm will recede, allowing your enlighten Wings to Fly!
Embrace the Cosmic Dance,