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Heart Center – Love Awakens Inner Peace

The Heart Center is the Communication Director, the Center of all Miracles of the Light.

As you encourage loves infusion into your life, you awaken to a new freedom called inner peace, your nurtured soul grows flourishes in this energy. Your Heart Center becomes overwhelmed by these new and wondrous feelings, infused with a gained freedom. As you live from the love in your heart, emotions become come, for your heart is the source of wisdom, and intuition. A calmer approach as one matures their emotions, less reactionary more intuitively aligned.

Forgiveness is a natural state for all souls, it becomes our emotions that we attach to a situation that create the blocks. Blocks that impede the souls growth, evolution, and transformation. With a maturing emotional body, lessons open your soul to shift, to align, and more easily align with forgiveness as the evolved avenue to move forward.

The heart center is the Bridge to our soul, as it works in alliance with our mind, body and soul, carrying information within each beat. Intricate messages that affect our emotions, our physical health and our earthly life experiences.

“Let me Love myself without judgement, because when I judge, I carry blame and guilt, I have the need for punishment, and I lose the perspective of Love.”  Don Miguel Ruiz

Freedom is found within the vibration of a forgiving Heart, accept this Divine way in which to Live, this new approach to life. Our heart is the communication director to our soul, bypassing the mind. Shedding your attachment to past traumas IS the clear way home, forgiveness is your soul’s ride to freedom.

“We are intended through our own development, to move evolution forward into ever-greater possibilities.  We are the conduits through which life transforms and evolves.  Life expands as we expand.”  Ann Mortifee

Self- Respect Is Self-Love

How do you feel about yourself?

The Heart is the director of communication, the seat of our divine essence, the mirror of the soul. The seat of love, and love is our pure essence of True Healing. Join renowned Sound Healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman, used to fuse the heart & brain and amplify our challenged Immune System, as it resonates through the heart chakra! The Power of Ahhh!

Our purpose is one of Unity Consciousness in this New Age. Our Heart is the communication seat, with the highest expression of the soul. For one to establish deeper connections, we must connect on a higher level, through our heart. To extend love to others, one must first love, respect and honor oneself.

“…My hope for you is to fall in Love with Yourself, your Spirit.  For when you perceive yourself as Spirit, you will not simply Love, you will be Love.  And when you truly find Love, you find Yourself.”  Deepak Chopra

Has Fear Become Your Gatekeeper?

Are your Negative thoughts blocking your connection to accepting Love?

Emotion clearing is needed to release your Heart from entrenched feelings of Anger, Worry, and Fear. No longer accepting these emotions as the dominant force in your life, you redirect to feelings that Elevate, not Bind. Fear is a restrictive energy, while Love is a freeing one.

There is no need for a gatekeeper, reflect on the emotion of fear that has crippled your heart, as uncomfortable as that may be. Time to open the rusted gates to your heart center, as our heart chakra has a very specific mission. Its purpose is to integrate, balance our Body Mind, bringing a sense of peace, and a healing lightness to your being. As you begin to experience heart-felt emotions such as love, caring, appreciation and compassion, it creates a positive beneficial effect on your entire being.

Fear always finds a Reason – Love always finds a Way.

Those who vibrate within this truth find their way to enhanced spiritual growth, as their fear is replaced with love, you begin to experience a recognizable feeling of Joy. As you energetically shift. An Awakened soul listens deeply…to the discernment of an open heart. Our Body-Mind is the collector of internal discord that overtime creates the ills of our being. For lack of ease causes disease, waiting patiently hidden from view…until it no longer is!

Heart Chakra Imbalance

Issues Include –

  • A closed heart leads to blood issues such a leukemia
  • Disorders of the thymus and immune system
  • Inability to balance emotions
  • Consumed with emotional extremes
  • Heart dis-ease

Healing The Wounded Inner Child Workbook

Inner Harmony – Heart Focus Technique

Use this quick Coherence exercise at the Onset of any Trigger of Anxiety, Stress or Fear that may arise. The Heart is the primary generator of rhythm within the body, influencing the brain, nervous system, cognitive function and emotion. This method connects the Heart to the Mind in a Positive way, returning you back to a State of Ease & Inner Balance.

Step 1Heart focus

Focus your attention on your Heart, place your hand over the center of your chest to encourage this connection.

Step 2Heart Breathing

Breathe deeply, but normally, feel your breathe flowing in and out through the Heart slowly, yet deeply as you continue to focus on your Heart. As you inhale, feel it flow through your Heart, as you exhale feel it leaving through your Heart Center. Keep your hand in place, continue to focus on your Heart with ease until you feel a natural flowing rhythm return.

Step 3Positive Activation

As you continue to maintain Heart focus, Heart breathing, activate a positive feeling through inner sight imagery. Bring forward a positive image that brings feelings of Joy. A baby animal, happy memories, a human baby, or any image that instantly brings a Smile.

Step 4Do Not Skip

Continue to focus on your heart, holding the happy image you selected. Repeat the following – 3 times – to release any toxic emotions from your heart.

  • Every decision I make about you, is a choice between a Grievance and Peace. And I choose Peace.
  • Every thought I have about you, is a choice between a Grievance and Peace. And I choose Peace.
  • I relinquish All Grievances, All Resentments, and All Regrets. And I choose Peace.

Sample Times Of Use

  • First thing in the Morning.
  • Feeling drained, either physically or emotionally.
  • Your emotions are causing frustration, anxiety or stress.
  • Use this Quick Coherence technique after a blow-Up, or argument.
  • Apply this technique prior to a possible stressful phone call or meeting.
  • To keep intense negative emotions from escalating further.

In less than one minute it creates positive changes in your heart rhythm, sending powerful signals to your brain that improves how you feel. A tool that can be done discretely anytime, anywhere, and no one will know you are doing it.

Other Heart Healing Modalities

  • Inner Harmony – Heart Focus Technique
  • Meditate Ask Archangel Raphael – to shower you in his Healing Emerald green Light
  • Tibetan Bells – Internal balancing
  • Visualize – Your heart opening as it fills with His Light, & Love
  • Journal – Find positive thoughts to replace the negative
  • Visualize – What you are grateful for, opens the heart center, filling it with Joy
“The Heart is the doorway into your Soul, the Intuitive center that bypasses the Ego for Soulful answers.  When seeking answers, pay close attention to the Feelings within your Heart, as you witness the World by what you carry within it.” 

Pieces of a freshly opened puzzle seem daunting, yet the pieces ALWAYS fit perfectly, forming the larger picture.

When we send love, we attract love, as the door to our heart opens each time we do.

Embrace the Dance,
