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Meditation – A Conversation With Your Soul

Your Soul is the very Core Essence of who you truly are, the very center of your being.  The expression of your unique spark of Divinity.  The Soul houses feelings of deep inner knowing, infinite self-love, boundless compassion, deep wisdom, and profound inner strength.  List in stillness as your Soul calls, inviting you to return home.  Into the door of expanded consciousness, to awaken from the dream so many fall prey.

“Meditation Is A Meeting Through Our Breathe To Reach Our Soul.”

Into The Portal Of Silence

Deep Breathing is a Powerful tool, an essence, a source of power permeates our being – the flow a wellspring of the One Power flows through your body.  Using this Daily practice encourages Spiritual Growth with endless possibilities, a Myriad of proven “Reasons to Meditate,” to enhance all aspects of Your Life!

If you don’t have a sacred space dedicated for meditation, locate a place where you won’t be disturbed.  Sit comfortably with your spine aligned, feet flat on the floor, arms uncrossed. Rest your hands on your lap palms facing upwards to receive. Meditation teaches the power of focus and concentration to quiet your busy mind, freeing you from the constant thoughts of Worry and Fret over the Unknown.

Choose An Intention

An intention has strength, it’s rooted in reality, we plant a seed which grows through a natural flow created by our seed intention. Creating one of the most powerful delivery systems. Select a seed thought in which to focus upon, allow your Soul to answer the present need. A powerful way to move through the times ahead as we clear Earth of the darkness. As Humanity awaken a new reality, where Right Human Relations prevails, with Unity for all mankind. Allowing the Divine Feminine her place at the Table of Grace long over due! As All Ascend into this New Era – the Golden Age of Christ Consciousness.

Visualize a Sphere Of Golden Light

Intend this sphere to descend from above your head and enter through your Crown, visualize it opening like the petals of a Lotus.  Continue to bring the column down as wide as your body. Send it through you chakras down to the center of the Earth where you anchor it deeply.  Continue to breathe in a natural rhythm slowly, but deeply.  Ask the Light to move outward 55 feet to protect your Merkaba, your Light Body, as you continue to focus on your breath…Inhale and Exhale…Inhale…Exhale

In the beginning, if the mind wanders, try and keep it simple, allow the thoughts to pass without judgment and bring your focus back to your breath.  This prevents the thoughts from taking hold.

“We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an Act, but a Habit.” Aristotle

Meditation – Ageless Benefits

“An Ancient Spiritual practice…the Journey that awakens Our Spiritual Aspect…at any Age…Each Breath is Your Divine connection with Your True Essence…Divine Grace.”

Meditation – Health Benefits

  • Improve – Your Connection with Divine Guidance
  • Enhanced – Immune System through Inner Peace & Well-being
  • Balance – The Mind, Body and Soul connection
  • Improve – Sleep, and fall asleep more easily – A University of Utah study
  • Clears – The Mind of Emotional entanglements
  • Reduce – Inner Tension, which reduces Blood Pressure & Physical Tension
  • Improve – Clarity of Thought
  • Enhance – Listening Skills
“Stillness makes your Soul smile.” Doe Zantamata


While the teacher had her students hold a glass of water, she asked her students to determine it’s weight.  Various answers came, and were revised as time went on. She waited and then replied. The measured weight of the glass of water is determined by how Long you Hold it.  The longer we hold something, the heavier they become.

This example speaks of the Body-Mind, our stored, often hidden from view Trauma, Pain, Regret to name a few. They are the seeds of discord we allow to permeate our being often undetected until their true goal is reached. For the Body-Mind houses all we so desperately to avoid, once unveiled we soon witness the havoc it has placed upon our human form of Dis-Ease. What we once felt buried in shame now appears insisting we pay attention.

The Stresses and Worries in your Lives, hold the same Truth.  The weight increases the longer you hold onto them, they burden the Mind, Body and Soul.  When not released, you feel paralyzed, incapable of freeing the Mind.

Since 99% of all worries never come to fruition, Meditation is Life’s Key to Survival, especially during times of Chaos, turmoil and uncertainty.

Power Of Healing

First – Begin by setting an intention for your Meditation.  Remember all new habits require motivation.

  • Designate – A Time and Commit to it
  • Length of Session – Begin with 5 minutes and increase to 10
  • Surrounding – Select a Comfortable and Quiet setting
  • Meditate – Set a doable Daily time & place for your Self Care Routine

Meditation is your ‘Internal Calming Agent’ a necessity for Inner Peace and Balance.  A powerful tool for Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-being from your stressful life.  Once the practice is formed, you will notice that it assists to increase your Spiritual Awareness and Intuition.  As Meditation purifies the mind, as it relieves the effects of stress upon the Body, the Mind, and the Spirit. A magical time where Inner Peace becomes your Daily subscription to embrace yourself in a divine presence!

A Powerful Tool

Meditation brings sunshine to the answers you seek, the Seeds of your thoughts and questions now blossom with answers.  A Soulful journey that connects you to a higher Source, releasing control of your will to a divine presence, releasing the human will, to a higher power through trust.

As You –

  • Understand Reality on a Deeper Level
  • Control Your Emotions
  • Learn to release the Bondage of the Mind
  • Discover the benefits of Stillness in developing your Intuition

Often called the practice of Meditation, like a muscle, it too must be used to remain strong.

Raise Your Spiritual Vibration

Meditation – Is An Inside Job

An intimate look into your Soul through a practice of personal Self-Reflection, a home where Peace is found through our Natural form, allows you to observe your thoughts and feelings vividly, with compassion, void of judgment. Through awareness you gain the ability to become able to self examine your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and physical reactions.  A path to develop an understanding on a deeper level that encourages you to unveil your True-Self.  Through the transparency of Soul searching, you can uncovering your core wounds, allow the inner work needed to free you from the overwhelming mind.

Meditation, the stillness, the silence that allows your deeper thoughts, your core wounds to reside peacefully.  As you journey to increase conscious awareness, you venture deep within, in the dark areas to shed the healing light your wounds need to free you from the prison of the human mind. As you condition your mind through practice, your reward is improved Well-Being, as you unlock the hidden Joy, Peace, and Creative Inspiration no longer locked away.

We must first learn to have Patience, in our quest to gain it.

Peace and Blessings,
