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As Aquarius Dawns – Pisces Fades

It is a slow transition when we leave an era as we remain on the tail of another age beginning to birth. As we look back and discuss the Age of Pisces, our conclusion will symbolize it as ‘The Age of Deception,’ Of Illusion, permeated with Falsehoods, misleading for profit and personal gain. The Age of pharmaceuticals’ and false advertisement upon Humanity. The Greek word “pharmakeia” is the root word for pharmacy and pharmaceutical, but in the Greek it actually means “sorcery” or “magic.” Pharmakia has been transliterated (means transferring a word of one language to another). In this case all the way to 21st-Century English as “pharmacy.” Even as we enter, Aquarius Dawns; with the residue of the last era, their years or centuries of control remains in a weakened state.

May this Truth Offer You Peace:

“As you gaze upon the outer world it’s easy to conclude things are getting worse. This my dear is but an illusion, for we are not perceiving the bigger picture. The reason it appears the chaos has increased is due to the Light of God is intensifying on Earth. As it bathes us in Peace & Love. All that conflicts with the Light is being pushed to the surface to be healed, transmuted back into its original perfection. So I ask: With such a Truth how could we house such Fear, knowing we are not now, nor never have been alone.”

The Water – Bearer

Symbol Of A New Era

The Water Bearer is the Symbol of a New Era, the long journey of the Divine Feminine returns. For She is the Living Water, not of mere water, but a Revolutionary Cleanse of the Old, the Re-Birth of Our Freedom, Re-Claiming our fundamental Human Rights as birthed – God Sovereign & Free.  A Divine Truth of our birthright that many have forgotten. Soon the uncovering of our Ancient Knowledge previously hidden, will be shown. Dead Sea Scrolls, Copper Scrolls, and the Nag Hammadi documents discovered in the middle of the 1900’s shall be released. As well as our History of Who We Are, Where We Came from and our reason for Being here at this time in History. As Archaeologist discoveries mount with ancient ruins, quantum physics, String Theory and Remote viewing, once called “A Conspiracy Theory” shall be deemed “as Facts.”

Galaxies Of Stars – We Are Not Alone

As our Ancestors in the Stars await our remembering, for they are our Brothers and Sisters of the Night Sky. Yes, our long overdue awakening from this Long-Playing Fantasy many witness as the veil now thins. Realizing how easily many gave their power away to others as we witnessed the slow destruction of Humanity by those who wished to enslave. As fear, deceit, and complacency became their powerful tools.

We saw many offer their rights to those with no power except the power given to them by man. A deception of such magnitude played out before our very eyes—deep infliction upon humankind in all aspects of life perpetrated by the darkness housed in the hearts of those who wish to control.

A holocaust, once again, played out before humanity, yet still, others complied without a weapon of force laid upon them. They had no power to lock down our churches, our gyms, or our schools. Nor to take our livelihood, demand we mask, or take an experimental jab. Tactics of another war played out before our eyes, yet so fearful many obeyed. The atrocities continued.

Fear On A Global Scale

Those who bravely stood up against evil were punished, but not on a soul level. For they made a difference, they opened the eyes of the fearful. Those who perpetrated this crime upon Humanity shall pay the most significant price upon their soul—requiring lifetimes to clear their crimes against Humanity. For they knowingly perpetrated this fraud upon their brothers and sisters.

The new era, The Age of Aquarius, is quite different, as Aquarius Dawns an era opposing the last age of Deception with Humanitarian Efforts, Positive Political Changes, World Peace, Unity, and Right Human Relations for all shall reign. As compassion, clear communication, and spiritual expansion grow within as we grow closer to the 5th, our Destiny. A dimension where darkness cannot survive, nor can the values of deception, greed, money, and power remain.

Aquarius Dawns – The Rising Of The Divine Feminine

Living Water Of Spirit

Indeed, the Water Bearer of Aquarius symbolizes a New Dawn as we begin to ground Heaven upon Earth. For in reality, it is not mere water She represents. The Sacred Feminine returns to create balance, she offers wisdom from her lifetimes as the Bearer of the Living Water. She joins Humanity to cleanse the layers of deception, of illusion from humankind, allowing healing on a massive scale. Her task is to re-birth Divine Truth, Equal Justice, Human Rights, and the Freedom of our birthrights. She values these precious gifts, knowing they were not given to us by man nor government, but by GOD, that no man can take them from us.

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The Power Of Discernment

Aquarius Dawns – As Pisces Fades

Discernment: Is the ability to properly discriminate or make determinations, related to Divine Wisdom, the Word of God itself. Said to discern the thoughts and intentions of one’s heart, this is a valuable lesson, for it is our Heart that holds the answers, not the mind which is much over used. Discerning minds demonstrate wisdom, insight beyond what is seen and heard, for they speak from the Heart. Our human mind without Spirit as its moral compass, believes things of God are foolishness.

” When we remove the clouds that blind our sight, we feel we are learning something new, But this awareness that dawns on us is not, in fact new. It is simply accessed through  awakening our own deep remembering.” Ann Mortifee

The Sacred Feminine has learned much from her lifetimes, She now sits at the table of Grace. Knowing we must honor what we value, Our Freedom, our Sovereignty, our basic Human Rights and our precious Children.  She knows All can be lost in an instant by those who wish the Piscean ways to continue. The Light has won, but they will fight to preserve their old ways. May all awaken to this Truth: “We are birthed of Love not Fear, fear, the opposite of Love cannot exist in Love’s positive energy. Falsehoods created by those who masterly use illusions to invoke fear. Each must be mindful to what you listen to, watch and feed your mind. Tele-Vision & Programs are apply applied names, for what we feed the mind is what we shall receive.

We Are The Guardians Here To Protect Our Constitution

The United States of America was created by God as a blueprint for All Countries to adopt, and indeed they shall, for the sweeping hand of God knows no boundaries. It is our duty to protect the Sacred Works of Our Constitution. To fight for these rights given to us not by man nor by government, but by the One Power, the Divine Creator – GOD.

Perhaps this is what God has been trying to show us all along! That we are the Warriors of the Light…That it is indeed Time to Rise

May Peace reign as we together anchor Heaven upon Earth with the blessings of All those in the physical and non-physical realms. As galaxies upon galaxies understand what is at stake for Earth and all of Humanity by those who wish to stop us from ascending. Nothing and no one can stop the unfolding of Gaia’s Destiny as a Sacred Planet.

May Love, Light & Peace awaken each to their Divinity and May you find Peace and Power in this Living Truth.
