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Allowing – Soul Growth

Soul Growth Techniques

You are an extension of Source Energy in the Physical, an eternal being, never separate from Divine Source. Allowing Soul Growth Energy to embrace your Journey you recognize your Connection with Source. To All. When your Connection is in tune with that of Source, you feel unconditional Love, Joy and Peace. A feeling of Bliss fully encompasses you when you are aligned with this knowledge of Who You really are.

“Knowing you are no further from Source, Creator, God, than the Suns rays are from the Sun.”

Allowing The Light

  • As we allow the Light to embrace our being a deep spiritual healing can begin. Your Soul as you create, enhances the Energy flow that connects with your Intentions, your Purpose. As you ‘Feel’ from your Heart, your Soul, this clear indication you are Open to Receive. Each new thought established by your Intentions creates an Expansion, allowing for new Inspiration to form. And so on….

Letting Go

  • True detachment is not a separation from life, but the freedom to explore a deeper involvement in your life. In so doing we allow the Holy Spirit to walk with us and prune the unnecessary to allow for the healthiest fruit to be produced. Joy – Bliss . Peace…Our Birthrights!


  • An increasing distraction to both the Physical and Material as Humans, can create a void. Separating too far from Source, your connection will be more focused on Human connections, and not the Eternal, Spiritual connection. Creating an unclear connection to your your Purpose for incarnating at this time. A blurring of the lines, a disconnect. A connection to Materialism does not achieve Soul Growth, nor does it achieve a Soul-Centered Life.

One must remain ever vigilant during these trying times, to be able to resist and remain in a Creative State.

  • The cares of life, the love of money, the lull of entertainment, and other desires of this world fill our soul with clutter. When our soul is filled with clutter we tend to neglect the intimate inner
  • relationship within.
  • You can increase your desire for God and His kingdom by decreasing the clutter and increasing the time you spend with Spirit.
  • Negative thinking is a bad habit which must be addressed to grow Emotionally, Spiritually and in our Relations with others. For these negative thoughts are void of faith in Spirit, in Source, the One who can do all things–even the impossible.
  • Relationships with some people will hinder growth. Cut ties with some negative and limiting people. Relationships with negative, controlling, judgmental, gossiping friends will all limit your growth as a person (emotionally, mentally, spiritually).
  • In fact, it is dangerous to let these kinds of people influence how you live and think. These kinds of attitudes are not from God who is peace, faith, hope, and love.
  • Do you have a desire to do something, but never do it? It can be hard to step out of our comfort zone; it can be scary. Yet, we are called especially now to face our fears. For fear is going to try to hinder you until you conquer it. Do It Afraid. You may need to take small steps at first. Take the step of faith, then the next step…and so on.
“Soon you will have followed the footprints of our Savior into a Soulful, Purpose Driven life!”

As Co-Creators Of Your Reality

In this stage of your Growth, a better understanding of your true Nature, will become apparent.  The journey to realizing your Great Potential and Power to Achieve and Create is upon you.  Riches and Fame will not judge either way your success, only Growth of the Soul, can create Soul Expansion.

We are here to assist you along your Path.  If you find yourself struggling, you always have the power to realign your course and connect back on your Path.  Time to reclaim who you are at your core, your Essence. To re-Align with Your Intentions – Your Purpose – Your Soul’s Goals for this lifetime.

“Everything in the Universe is within you.  Ask all from yourself.”  Rumi

Soul Growth – Two Souls Unite

As you realign, two objectives become clear. The affects of Soul Growth begin through the Life lessons you and your Soul Group adopted. As you recognize the Oneness of All, you with Humanity can collectively affect the Health of Earth’s Soul.

Be Inspired.

With this gained perspective, you realize that you are one of many, here for the same purpose. Akin to a First Responder, here at this time to assist in the Healing evolution of your planet – Earth.  Her healing depends on humanity’s Spiritual Growth. When you increase your Light, your Conscious level through Self-Transformation you assist Earth to re-Align her Energy, to Heal.

You become the Light.

The goal in All Lifetimes is Healing – Expansion of the Soul. In the Golden Age the Souls Journey is an incredible, Vital moment in time. For Each Soul’s Expansion – Enhances All.

Peace and Blessings,
