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A Life Of Abundance

Fear Energy Is – Conditional 

Fear – A Learned response formed by your Beliefs and Experiences.  It creates Blocks both, Mentally and Physically that can drain your Energy, and halting the Flow of Abundance.  Perceived difficulties, and feelings of lacking can create just that.

Time to Shift Your Focus,Your Vibration, from Fear to Love.

Love Energy Is – Unconditional

All are born with Love permeating their Being.  When you Accept Love into your Heart, you Radiate this Love, your Soul Sings, it is the Generator of Positive Energy.  Love is an Empowering Energy that allows your Heart to Dream, to Believe.  That All is possible!  Believe that Abundance is possible, your Willingness will Empower your Reality.

Let Go Of:

  • Negative Habits and Patterns
  • Feelings of Lacking
  • Looking for Approval of your Dreams
  • Self-Sabotage

“Let us keep in mind that the most difficult hour can be the threshold of New Achievement.”  Master Morya

As you relinquish control, your Life is able to flow, knowing that lessons are Your Soul’s Progress.  Your Purpose is to Grow.  Know that when you continue to burden yourself with the details, you remain in a State of Control that will block your flow.

Once realized, Potential is Energy in Motion.

Fear and Love are Powerful Energies, that cannot Co-exist within the Mind.  The outcomes from your Dreams are based and influenced by your Perceptions and Old Belief Systems that no longer pertain to your life you wish to Live.  Re-evaluation is necessary to achieve the Intentions of your Life as an Evolved Soul.

Fear is a low Vibration.

What Vibration Are You Projecting?

As Creation begins with you, the capacity to project from the Vibration of Abundance is a choice, a mindset.  Believe you can, do not allow Negative thinking to discourage you from your Goal. As your fear, your excuses become the pins stuck in the balloon of your Dreams deflating the excitement, the energy, the flow to Abundance wishing to be birthed.

Open Mind

Believe that your Goals are possible, release the limitations from your conscious mind.  Visualize your Dreams achieved with Gratitude, knowing they are on the way.  Your Heart is filled with the Positive Energy from an Abundant mindset.

Soon more Positive situations will appear, as you move more effortlessly forward, with your Pathway cleared of the unwanted baggage that held your Dreams in captivity. As you accept Love into your Heart you allow the Heart to Dream all is possible! Believing in your Abundance empowers your Reality.

Allow the Abundance that awaits with gratitude, is the accelerant of manifestation.

Challenges will still arise, see them too with Gratitude, as these situations arise when you are ready, a ‘Sign of Progress.’  Lessons to Expand your Soul to move Forward.  Accepting that Life Lessons are for Your continued Growth.  Lessons are Gifts, they bring with them the Potential to Evolve.

As you accept Love into your Heart you allow the Heart to Dream all is possible! This willingness to believe abundantly empowers your Reality. For the Heart creates through Dreams and Images, it is not aligned with the mind, the masculine essence, but of the Feminine intuitive essence.

Mantra – “My Life is Abundant in All Ways for My Highest Good”

Channeled Message with – Goddess Bast

Peace and Blessings, Carol