Become aware of all around you, the many Signs and Messages of support from other Realms. Perhaps even while in Dream time, a Transforming opportunity for your Soul[…]
Pluto in retrograde, an energetic, spiritual re-direct, a look to the past to move forward. The Spiritual Rebirth of Ascension offers a need for Self-Reflection, to safeguard repeating past History. To clear and purge inner turmoil, to assist Humanity[…]
When you walk through the illusion of fear, what awaits you on the other side is love, freedom, and joy. Often you are not aware of the ways you become attached to your experience of suffering. Without realizing it[…]
Mindfulness increases our Awareness as we Awaken. It seeks to reign in the mind to avoid the autopilot response & create an alternate more conscious choice from a new perspective. Autopilot often means unhealthy habits, negative mindsets[…]
The End Of An Era The Golden Age Of Transformation Is Born During the end of the Piscean Era our planet experienced an accelerated level of growth. Marking the beginning…
As a channel, I too evolve, as my conscious level increases. The higher wisdom becomes a part of me and is as much a teacher as[…]
Our Body, our Cells hear everything we say, everything we think, that leave an imprint on our cells. When we continuously overload our Mind with negative thoughts from the past we continue to harbor, they lessen the positive imprints, creating[…]
Meditation is our ‘Internal Calming Agent’ a necessity for Inner Peace and Balance. A powerful tool for Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-being from our stressful, often chaotic times we currently find[…]
Be grateful for the Lessons of Past lives, and to whomever brought them forward. This is a sign of your readiness to move beyond them, to Heal. The contract with your Soul[…]
Pay heed to your thoughts and actions, as they signal the level of your current state. When you begin hearing negative feelings such as – Fear – Anger, you are no longer in a high vibrational state[…]