As an Empath you are capable of sensing, when others are uncomfortable or troubled, a gift that does not imply that you fix their issue. Enjoy the Clearing Energy Meditation by Jennifer Cunning for Empaths to restore and relax[…]
Clearing past issues before we began a Relationship, include a brave look at ourselves, our masks. The masks created to protect our Shadows must be faced, accepted, forgiven and loved! Or these deep issues will remain, disrupting the Peace & our Self-[…]
Living by Your Truths, not those of others, Realigns Your Perception, allowing you to approach even difficult situations from a place of Authenticity, with your Truths as an Evolved Soul[…]
Remember that no course is finite, your choices can change as your life moves forward. You may be faced with unforeseen events, believing they will alter[…]
This New Age beckons us to Question, Evaluate & Courageously Evolve the Limiting Beliefs of others. Adopted in our early childhood prior to any understanding. An Evolved perspective is needed to evaluate outdated[…]
Meditation is our ‘Internal Calming Agent’ a necessity for Inner Peace and Balance. A powerful tool for Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-being from our stressful, often chaotic times we currently find[…]
Love transcends from the Spirit world to the Physical and Vise Versa. A relationship that was negative in the Physical world can be repaired while they are on the other side, as Forgiveness transcends both […]
Your Soul is Immortal, returning to learn through Core Lessons of past incarnations to Ascend to a Higher plane. Your Soul will continue to return to resolve issues such as Anger and Regret until[…]
You continue along your Path, feeling connected, Receiving new Gifts from the lessons of Life experiences. All is well, you feel on track, then you hear, I’ve got this, I now understand how it all works. The controlling Ego feels frightened and[…]
Burdened for so long with the heaviness of a 3rd-dimension planet. Earth is now ascending into the 5th-Dimension, part of Ascension to Higher Frequency of Love and increased Spiritual Consciousness[…]