Core Lessons repeat until learned. They continue to come forward, with different Actors, and situations. Pay attention, recognizing them as but pebbles, is easier then boulders[…]
As you Release the Core Wounds, the obstacles that block your Souls momentum, you allow increased Light. The Energy of Unconditional Love, the Age of Aquarius, one of Peace, Harmony and[…]
Allow the Messages and Guidance of those in Spirit to become second nature, as you Evolve and Grow, you bridge the Physical and the Spiritual. All experiences are an essential part of Creation, do not be bound by Physical[…]
We have sprinkled many Seeds of Wisdom, along your Life path, nurture and tend to your Spiritual Garden, and watch Your Life Blossom. Your radiant Light shines within for all to See[…]
…it’s time to Shine.
You possess a “Divine Connection,” as Spiritual Beings having a Human experience. As you Journey through this lifetime, seek the awareness that unites you with your Spiritual Path, a Path to Awareness, to […]
You were all at one time a ‘Victim’ as well as a ‘Perpetrator,’ as you played many roles in many lifetimes, that’s how you Learn and Evolve. To both clear Karma, as well as[…]
Be grateful for the Lessons of Past lives, and to whomever brought them forward. This is a sign of your readiness to move beyond them, to Heal. The contract with your Soul[…]
Pay heed to your thoughts and actions, as they signal the level of your current state. When you begin hearing negative feelings such as – Fear – Anger, you are no longer in a high vibrational state[…]
All Clair-Intuitions strengthen with Practice and Belief. Believing the knowledge you receive is from your Higher Self, creates a sense of security. As you continue to Trust, the[…]
All experience life in many versions of Infinite Source Creator, yet you remain the Collective consciousness of the Universal Soul. To further dissolve the illusions of separation and Unite to this Truth[…]