Setting Intentions vs Resolutions Replace Resolutions with setting Intentions, a more value-centered, Spiritual Journey of the Soul instead. Which can be done any month day or time…Perhaps on a Birthday!…
As an Empath you are capable of sensing, when others are uncomfortable or troubled, a gift that does not imply that you fix their issue. Enjoy the Clearing Energy Meditation by Jennifer Cunning for Empaths to restore and relax[…]
Earth’s Spiritual disconnect created the environmental disconnect we see. Humanity must address their internal baggage to heal Earth. Addressed as a whole for the needed perfect union, a healing atmosphere. May nothing else prove how we are indeed All Connected, Humanity and Earth are[…]
A Spiritual Awakening to unlock the Soul’s purpose, it’s True Potential. To no longer use attachments to avoid the pain, to seek a deeper meaning to Life. A Balance Beam Mindset for success, a lesson on focus from a[…]
How often do you feel a change is possible, but Fear holds you back, not realizing it is your Higher Power sending signals? Spiritual Signs to lead you to the Freedom, that Forgiveness holds[…]
Sailing symbolism, an in-depth look at where you have been and the direction you wish to go. To discern Who is steering your vessel, the captain navigating the seas of your desires, Spirit, or […]
Children of struggling parents often grow up with unmet emotional needs, wounded easily manipulated by those who prey. Seeking attention, love & approval, a vicious cycle of endless disappointments, relationships. Start now & end the cycle 3 ways[…]
Yes, Soul Lessons can be challenging, embrace them with Gratitude as they have a Higher Purpose. Seeing Lessons in this way, allows you move Forward more easily, learning through Enlightened[…]
As we bare witness to the current Chaos, note that luscious-cream is not always what floats to the top, but a combination of unrecognizable debris consisting of sexual abuse, molestation, greed and government[…]
Secrecy allows Our Shadow-Self to remain in Darkness, shrouded in Shame and Guilt, as we remain Victims, Prisoners, shielded from the Whole of Who you are, Our Authentic[…]