Your Soul is Immortal, returning to learn through Core Lessons of past incarnations to Ascend to a Higher plane. Your Soul will continue to return to resolve issues such as Anger and Regret until[…]
Higher Consciousness, increased Spiritual Awareness, a new grasp into the meaning of existence. Awareness that transcends the Minds preoccupation with the Past and[…]
You continue along your Path, feeling connected, Receiving new Gifts from the lessons of Life experiences. All is well, you feel on track, then you hear, I’ve got this, I now understand how it all works. The controlling Ego feels frightened and[…]
Messengers of Light, also known as Lightworkers, here at this time to share their Messages, Teachings and Guidance, as they heard the calling as Light Keepers of Peace, here to serve[…]
The Frequency signals you fine tune to incorporate into your ability to Manifest, are also an excellent practice for a Life of Peace and Joy. As you increase your vibration, they no longer remain a temporary Shift[…]
Burdened for so long with the heaviness of a 3rd-dimension planet. Earth is now ascending into the 5th-Dimension, part of Ascension to Higher Frequency of Love and increased Spiritual Consciousness[…]
As you Release the Core Wounds, the obstacles that block your Souls momentum, you allow increased Light. The Energy of Unconditional Love, the Age of Aquarius, one of Peace, Harmony and[…]
Be grateful for the Lessons of Past lives, and to whomever brought them forward. This is a sign of your readiness to move beyond them, to Heal. The contract with your Soul[…]
Pay heed to your thoughts and actions, as they signal the level of your current state. When you begin hearing negative feelings such as – Fear – Anger, you are no longer in a high vibrational state[…]
All experience life in many versions of Infinite Source Creator, yet you remain the Collective consciousness of the Universal Soul. To further dissolve the illusions of separation and Unite to this Truth[…]