Many Empaths, who have not realized or understand their enhanced qualities, can experience sudden Mood swings that are not their own. The need to remain grounded is an important tool on many[…]
Clearing past issues before we began a Relationship, include a brave look at ourselves, our masks. The masks created to protect our Shadows must be faced, accepted, forgiven and loved! Or these deep issues will remain, disrupting the Peace & our Self-[…]
Remember that no course is finite, your choices can change as your life moves forward. You may be faced with unforeseen events, believing they will alter[…]
Is the Victim Archetype sitting in your Director’s chair? Learn skills to gain Self-Respect & Confidence, replace the energy of Victim with Courage, Strength. Release the Victim with Personal[…]
Our Body, our Cells hear everything we say, everything we think, that leave an imprint on our cells. When we continuously overload our Mind with negative thoughts from the past we continue to harbor, they lessen the positive imprints, creating[…]
Freedom is found within the Vibration of a Forgiving Heart. As you accept through Self-Love this Divine approach to life, where Love and Compassion guide you to Soul Freedom[…]
Meditation is our ‘Internal Calming Agent’ a necessity for Inner Peace and Balance. A powerful tool for Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-being from our stressful, often chaotic times we currently find[…]