Many Empaths, who have not realized or understand their enhanced qualities, can experience sudden Mood swings that are not their own. The need to remain grounded is an important tool on many[…]
As Aquarius Dawns – Pisces Fades It is a slow transition when we leave an era as we remain on the tail of another age beginning to birth. As we…
The Mind and the Heart are one, working in unison to increase your Spiritual Awareness. You advance and access this Ancient Knowledge, not of words, but of the Truths you filter through your Heart[…]
Ascension Side Effects for Spiritual Expansion creates an Energetic Shift, bringing past traumas, energy blocks to the forefront. Blocks ready to clear Old Belief Systems, Pattern, Perspective to raise your consciousness. Those that no[…]
Within the Light is information, the Expansion of Consciousness, there lives a frequency of pure Unconditional Love for All. Void of limitations, of outdated Beliefs that distract and bind Humanity[…]
Clearing past issues before we began a Relationship, include a brave look at ourselves, our masks. The masks created to protect our Shadows must be faced, accepted, forgiven and loved! Or these deep issues will remain, disrupting the Peace & our Self-[…]
Many have chosen to be the parents of these gifted Star Children that are here to assist in Humanity’s Awakening, and are coded to assist Mother Gaia instinctively. Essential in assisting these children to reach their Full Potential[…]
Jesus’ resurrection represents the potential of Our rebirth, Our salvation, Our renewal of Faith. The return of Christ Consciousness takes place within, as we practice Forgiveness for All Humanity[…]
Living by Your Truths, not those of others, Realigns Your Perception, allowing you to approach even difficult situations from a place of Authenticity, with your Truths as an Evolved Soul[…]
With insight, you embrace the opportunities to grow, to develop through your Positive experiences, as well as your Negative ones. Welcoming a Positive approach to situations on your Road to[…]