Many see themselves as a ‘Perishable Mortal.’ This creates Boundaries, Blocks to your Growth. You are Limitless Beings, your Soul knows this Truth. Look within, seek your Inner Teacher[…]
Love transcends from the Spirit world to the Physical and Vise Versa. A relationship that was negative in the Physical world can be repaired while they are on the other side, as Forgiveness transcends both […]
Abundance: “Plant the seeds, water them with Gratitude, and believe in your Heart they will Bloom…Miracles occur as they bring your wishes to the Vibration of Faith and Gratitude[…]
Messengers of Light, also known as Lightworkers, here at this time to share their Messages, Teachings and Guidance, as they heard the calling as Light Keepers of Peace, here to serve[…]
The Frequency signals you fine tune to incorporate into your ability to Manifest, are also an excellent practice for a Life of Peace and Joy. As you increase your vibration, they no longer remain a temporary Shift[…]
Your Soul as you Create, enhances the Energy flow that connects with Your Intentions and your Purpose. As you ‘Feel’ these desires from your Heart, your Soul, this is Soul Growth[…]
The Truths you have been seeking on your Path, are already beneath your feet. This Human life experience, leads you through the necessary shedding of Old Belief patterns, required to[…]
Core Lessons repeat until learned. They continue to come forward, with different Actors, and situations. Pay attention, recognizing them as but pebbles, is easier then boulders[…]
As you Release the Core Wounds, the obstacles that block your Souls momentum, you allow increased Light. The Energy of Unconditional Love, the Age of Aquarius, one of Peace, Harmony and[…]
Allow the Messages and Guidance of those in Spirit to become second nature, as you Evolve and Grow, you bridge the Physical and the Spiritual. All experiences are an essential part of Creation, do not be bound by Physical[…]