Awakening is the process of Opening the Heart to the Oneness with Source Energy, your Higher Self, as you Awaken to these Spiritual Truths of Self-Awareness, your Divine connect to[…]
Pluto in retrograde, an energetic, spiritual re-direct, a look to the past to move forward. The Spiritual Rebirth of Ascension offers a need for Self-Reflection, to safeguard repeating past History. To clear and purge inner turmoil, to assist Humanity[…]
This New Age beckons us to Question, Evaluate & Courageously Evolve the Limiting Beliefs of others. Adopted in our early childhood prior to any understanding. An Evolved perspective is needed to evaluate outdated[…]
All Lightworkers, must be fastidious in keeping their physical form in balance during Earth’s Awakening in the Age of Aquarius transition. For your purpose, your contract has come due! You are the Alchemist’s of Light, here to assist […]
Learn to trust the guidance of Higher Realms to Light your Path, to Support and send Divine Guidance. To enable you to unite, and experience Enlightenment as the Soul. The main objective of Spiritual Growth is to[…]
As you Release the Core Wounds, the obstacles that block your Souls momentum, you allow increased Light. The Energy of Unconditional Love, the Age of Aquarius, one of Peace, Harmony and[…]